Bushfire forecasts

 – bureau of meteorologyBureau of Meteorology: Tasmanian Fire Danger Ratings

tas fire service – List of current bushfires and other incidents in Tasmania

tasalert – TAS Alert for for warnings, events, school and road closures and to locate evacuation centres

tasnetworks – Tas Networks: Current power outage information

See the source image– Environmental Protection Agency provides real-time air quality data in Tasmania

Emergency Management

– department of education gov.auAustralian Government emergency support to providers, services and families in the event of a local emergency. This support is designed to help services recover quickly and ensure continuity of care for families.

be you edu – The Bushfire response program offers early learning services access to resources to help understand the impacts of disaster, and how to support recovery and resilience.

Recovery Management

emerging minds – Recognition that educators play a role in re-establishing routines post-disaster. Teacher-specific resources are available to guide them to work with children and families in areas affected by natural disaster or community trauma.

lifeline – Address physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion caused following a natural disaster, this Hotline guides others to heal, recover and rebuild their lives after a bushfire.